
Used Vehicles

Used vehicles buying description- nobody can fix the price of the used vehicle. It depends on many factors like vehicle body conditions, vehicle owners, vehicle model, k.m. Driven, mechanical conditions etc.

1) Vehicle body condition-

Firstly check vehicle body carefully.

(a) Original paint- excellent
(b) Minor repaint- goodbr
(c) Repainted- poorbr
(d) Repaired and repainted- very poor/ may be accidentbr
(e) Pillar repaired and repainted- very poor (price will be very low)
(f) Apron repaired- very poor(price will be very low)
(g) Roof repaired and repainted- vehicle may be flipped over. (price will be very low.)
(2) mechanical condition-

check engine, engine sound, back pressure, colour of smoke emitted rom silencor.

(a) If smoke is white, may be there is fault in the engine
(b) If smoke is black, may be fuel system is inected.
(c) If there is smoke or mobil drops after pulling the mobil gauge outside, it means engine is back pressure.
(3) Chassis Number-

Chassis number describes whole vehicle. It contains hidden detail of vehicle. Chassis no is mentioned on the Chassis frame and inside the bonnet punched by the company.

(a) Chassis no should be original as well as neat & clean. It should not be punched by any other person.
There will be difference in the punching style and size of the punched digits done by the company and digits punched by any other person.
(b) Check carefully around the chassis no. There should not be any welding around it. Area about 2-3 feet around the chassis no should be checked very carefully if there is any welding sign. The chassis plate of thet vehicle can be changed to another vehicle chassis plate that can be accidental or insured vehicle.
(c) After cleaning the chassis no of the previous vehicle, the chassis no of another vehicle can be repunched.
It can be seen by the size of digits of cahsis no or finishing of chassis no.
(c)(i) the chassis no mentioned in rc book and punched chassis no on the chassis plate will bw same. Even the chassis no mentioned in vahan detail will be same as chassis no mentioned in rc book. All details will be same because the chassis no mentioned of any accidental vehicle is mentioned on the theft vehicle.
Theft vehicle/ fraud vehicle can be only detected by chassis no only.
(4) rc of the vehicle-
(a) no of owners effect the price of the vehicle. Check in the rc book for the no of owners of vehicle.
(b) if the vehicle is converted from commercial to private, then the price of vehicle is effected. Please check rc carefully. There will be word ‘ convert’ in the rc book.
(c) if the vehicle is transferred from one state to another state, there will be mention of previous rc no in rc book.
(d) by using rc no/ chassis no of vehicle, check the detail of the vehicle from the service centre of that brand. Match the detail with rc book.
(e) by sending sms to 77382-99899
Type vahan_hr21xx0000
Send this message to 77382-99899. Match the recived detail from rc book.
(f) chassis no contains the manufacturing detail of vehicle. The registration date mentioned in the rc book must be after the manufacturing month and year.

New Vehicles

1. (a)firstly, inspect complete vehicle body to check scratch, minor repaint or touching.
(b)check all glasses for manufacturing year.
(c) in whichever year the vehicle is purchased, the vin no/. Chassis no should be of that year only. (d)vehicle manufacturing year must be same on the invoice copy in the purchase year. If you purchase the vehicle of old manufaturing year, the discount should be high.
2. Vehicle can be purchased from any other city. Take delivery order from financer and the dealer who gives you more discount purchase from that only.
3. If you finance the vehicle from dealer himself, please clearly understand about finance amount, interest, monthly emi, balanced payment before financing to avoid any dispute in future.
4. Clear from the dealer that in how many days the vehicle rc will be provided? For how much time the road tax will be paid?
5. Pay the registration amount completely to dealer while purchasing the vehicle. There should not be any delay to avoid the penalty during the registration. The penalty is applied on the daily basis.
6. Compare about price of vehicle, accessories & discounts from the nearby dealers.
7. Many banks and finance companies finance on the vehicles. Clear everything about basis charges and rate of interest before purchasing the vehicle.
8. Confirm about interest rate with advanced installments and without advanced installments.
9. Understand everything about insurance policy carefully.