Please carefully  Read these term  and conditions. By using This Platform You I ndicate Your Understanding And  Acceptance Of These Terms.

In the event Of Non-Compliance With This Terms Of Use, Gadiyadekho Has The Right To Limit or  Terminate Your Access Or Usage Rights To The Platform Immediately Or Remove Non-Compliant Information Or Both As The Case May be

These Term Of Use Of The Website Available At,  Mobile Site And Mobile Application Is Between Gadiyadekho And The Visitors or Registered users of the website describe The Terms On which Gadiyadekho offers you access to the website for availing services and buy products as are incidental And ancillary thereto.

Gadiyadekho Provide A Platform to Seller, Purchaser And Visitor. Gadiyadekho shall Not Be responsible For Any Service ,Information and Payment made by You.

1)      Registration- User May Access To The Mobile Application Or Other Information As Available On The App, As A Visitors, Without Any Requirement Of Registration. Certain Features And Information Available On App For All Users.

To Avail The Certain Features, Not Available For Visitors. You Need To Register/Create An Account By Providing Certain Details e.g. Your Name Contact Details, Email id etc. Once You Register With Gadiyadekho And Set up Your Pin, You Can Avail the services and to the other features and information not available to visitors.

2)      Trader Policy- Gadiyadekho Provide A Platform to Seller and Purchaser. Any User ,Who buy and sell Products After visiting our app does So solely at his Own Discretion, risk and Responsibility. Gadiyadekho Does not make Any warranty  Guarantee or otherwise with Respect to the Quality, Functionality Fitness For A Particular Purpose.

Gadiyadekho Permits To Post the Vehicle By Trader After Verification Of The Information of the Seller Dealer And Visitors. When Trader Sell And Buy Any Product   After Visiting The Website Trader Shall Alone Be Responsible To Checkout The vehicle And Vehicle Documentations And Gadiyadekho shall  not be Responsible For Any consequences .

3)      Chat-Gadiyadekho Shall Provide Technical Support to the Trader through online Chat During Working opurshhhhHhhHCF MN VOUHOLGFDDWEMEHhours .The Trader May Contact Gadiyadekho team in case of any issues, queries or concern related to the posted vehicles. Gadiyadekho shall make responsible efforts to respond to any queries within a reasonable time Frame.

However, Gadiyadekho Shall Not Be Responsible For Providing Technical support  in the following circumstances.

Any Issues or  Problems that arise due to the customer’s failure to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this agreements.

4)Nearest Vehicle-Gadiyadekho Has Make An  Efforts to provide the platform to show the vehicles of sellers dealers and visitors residing area around you. Seller, dealer and visitors shall alone be responsible to information of the vehicles .Gadiyadekho shall  not be Responsible. if You opt to locate the nearest vehicle. We Automatically collect information about your actual location. Your Location data helps in suggesting vehicles posted in area around you. You shall not object against Gadiyadekho to trace your location. You shall grant us permission to trace your location.

5) Bank kit Vehicles-only register dealer shall sale and purchase bank kit vehicles repossessed and surrendered by finance companies or banks. By dealing with Bank kit vehicles, we assume, the registered dealers shall know about the documentation and vehicles parts.

Gadiyadekho is only a service platform provider to sale and purchase these vehicles.